JS Typing Animation

August 11, 2020

I thought the typing animation on the ngrok website was super cool. So when I decided to build my personal site I wanted to do something similar. I challenged myself to implement the animation in pure javascript before looking at the way it was implemented on ngrok.

Typing - ngrok/typed-js

Typing - charma.dev

Below was my initial solution:

;(function () {
  var typedText = document.querySelector('.typed-text')
  var text = 'Wanderer.Engineer.Developer.Handyman.Cook.Jogger.Human.'
  var charIdx = 0
  function setupBackspace() {
    var backspaceInterval = setInterval(() => {
      if (typedText.innerHTML) {
        typedText.innerHTML = typedText.innerHTML.slice(0, -1)
    }, 50)
  function setupTyping() {
    var typeInterval = setInterval(() => {
      var c = text.charAt(charIdx)
      typedText.innerHTML = typedText.innerHTML + c
      if (c === '.') {
        // long pause after last word for dramatic effect
        var delay = charIdx === text.length - 1 ? 3000 : 300
        setTimeout(() => {
        }, delay)
      if (charIdx < text.length) {
        charIdx += 1
      } else {
        charIdx = 0
    }, 100)

Definitely lots of room for improvement. For starters I could pass the element selector, words, and delay configs as params to the [IIFE](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/IIFE) and I could support taking an array of sentences instead of single period separated words.

Then I thought I might as well make those changes...

;(function ({
  selector = '.typed-text',
  backspaceDelay = 50,
  typingDelay = 100,
  wordDelay = 300,
  endDelay = 3000,
}) {
  var typedText = document.querySelector(selector)
  var sentenceIdx = 0
  function setupBackspace() {
    var backspaceInterval = setInterval(() => {
      if (typedText.innerHTML) {
        typedText.innerHTML = typedText.innerHTML.slice(0, -1)
    }, backspaceDelay)
  function setupTyping() {
    var sentence = sentences[sentenceIdx]
    // convert sentence into char array so we can shift off chars
    var chars = sentence.split('')
    // long pause after last word for dramatic effect
    var delay = sentenceIdx === sentences.length - 1 ? endDelay : wordDelay
    // wrap sentenceIdx when we've processed the last sentence
    sentenceIdx = (sentenceIdx + 1) % sentences.length
    var typeInterval = setInterval(() => {
      if (chars.length) {
        typedText.innerHTML = typedText.innerHTML + chars.shift()
      } else {
        setTimeout(() => {
        }, delay)
    }, typingDelay)
  sentences: ['Wanderer.', 'Engineer.', 'Developer.', 'Handyman.', 'Cook.', 'Jogger.', 'Human.'],

But what about input validation?! We can add the following below `line 9` above:
    if (!typedText) {
      console.error("No element found matching query selector '" + selector + "'")
    if (!(Array.isArray(sentences) && sentences.length)) {
      console.error('{ sentences } param must be a non empty array.')

What about unit test?! Ok you got me - I only did manual testing.

I did eventually look under the hood of ngrok after completing my implementation and discovered ngrok uses typed.js, by Matt Boldt, which is way more robust.